21 Church Street
TR11 3EG
01326 312873

Storm child


Maya’s life is about to be upended. After her dad’s fishing boat is ravaged by a relentless storm, Maya’s parents make the decision to start over – by moving to a tropical island. But making a change doesn’t always make a difference. Far from her friends and her quiet seaside home where she spent all her time surfing, Maya is swept away by a storm much larger than herself. As Maya begins to realise that paradise is not always what it seems, can she bring her family back home again?

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An exciting, thought-provoking novel about globalization, climate change and finding your place in a changing world

Maya lives in a remote house on the cost, spending her time hanging out with her friends and surfing, while her mother bakes for the local café and her father works as a fisherman. They lead a simple life and though they often struggle to get by financially they are happy and secure. But Maya’s world is about to be upended. When her dad’s fishing boat sinks in a ferocious storm and he ends up in hospital fighting for his life the famiy lose their only means of earning money and life takes on a perilous turn. Desperate for a change Maya’s parents make the decision to start over by moving to an island in the Pacific – a place they are sure is paradise.

Life in their new home starts to take on an order and while Maya misses her friends she finds a new companion in a girl who lives close by. Maya’s parents, however, seem to be unable to make a true commitment to their new life and it takes Maya to point out the obvious – that the grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence and making a change doesn’t always make a difference.
As Maya begins to realise that paradise is not always what it seems, can she bring her family back home again?