21 Church Street
TR11 3EG
01326 312873

Maisy Goes To A Wedding


Maisy is off to her very first wedding – how exciting! Penguin and Ostrich are getting married, with Tallulah as the flower girl and Charley as the ring-bearer. The ceremony is lots of fun, and then it’s time to celebrate with dancing and a yummy wedding cake! Finally, Penguin tosses the bouquet, and the happy couple are off on their honeymoon.

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Maisy is going to her very first wedding – how exciting! See the ceremony and exchange of rings, then join in for dancing, food and wedding cake! The perfect read-aloud story about being a guest at a wedding or for any flower girl or ring-bearer. It’s more fun with Maisy! Visit her amazing website – www.maisyfun.com – for activities, newsletters, games and more.