“The brilliance of Frightful Folklore of North America is how it captures the expansiveness of the land, the various cultures (Native and non-Native), the stories told over time … This impressive collection will haunt your imagination.” – V. Castro
This beautifully illustrated book offers scary legends and folklore from Canada to Mexico and from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast, including Native American tales, settlers’ stories and African-American legends, as well as ghost stories and modern tales of cryptids. Shake in your shoes as you read about:
- Qallupilluit of the Inuit These green slimy web-handed creatures hunt along the ice floes in the water in the Arctic regions, kidnapping children that wander too close.
- La Corriveau of Quebec, a woman hanged for murder and witchcraft, runs through the night in her gibbet chasing her victims.
- Ghost Moose of Maine: Hunters pursue this spectral creature until they perish.
- Resurrection Mary of Illinois is the ghost of a woman killed in a hit-and-run accident outside a Chicago dancehall who asks drivers for a ride home.
- Goatman of Alton Bridge Texas:Â a goatherder murdered in the early 1900s has returned as a half-goat, half-man to exact revenge.
- The Camazotz of Mexico are large man-bats that lived in the forest and hunt humans in packs.
And many, many more! Great for campfire storytelling or as a chill-inducing gift, this is the most readable and attractive book of spooky folklore on the market.